Friday, November 19, 2010

About Me, but...

Friends & family are what I can't live without,
But, there are times when loneliness is what I need.

Music is my passion,
But, sometimes silence is what soothes my drums.

Lens of my camera has captured for a lifetime,
But, those don't reflect the memories I have.

I've treasured memoirs of my loved ones, lost,
But, I wonder why I have a myriad of those.

City life pumps up lot of adrenaline in me,
But, its the village air that keeps me alive.

I'd like to have highways on my plate,
But, I'm obsessed with the comfort of my home.

Nature has bestowed me with youth,
But, I'd always want my childhood back.

I am confused or may be, I am not.

This is life I guess,
Or may be, its just a thought.